LADA ALEKSEYCHUK RESUME e-mail: Work as an Illustrator and Designer of Websites: Art Director of the company's web site: responsible for concept, execution, and maintenance of "Natural Contact", an official company's web site dedicated to special events in southern Italy. Rome, Italy (2006-2007) Designed and illustrated web site dedicated to ecological art. Rome, Italy (2005) Free lance illustrations for national and international newspapers and magazines, including covers for Ceres (the international United Nations FAO Review), illustrations for La Republica, L'Avanti, Avvenimenti, La Rinaschita, Il Tempo, The Technology Review (Italian Section) (1988-2005). Art director of Lecht Sciences Inc., a New York company specializing in the development of software for computer graphics and animation. (1985) Created images for the Apple Bytes, Manhattan Cable television. (1984-85) Works for Cinema: Production assistant for " Hands over the Fire", a mini serial for TV about Orange Revolution in Ucraine. Rome, Italy (2006-2007) "Outside of the Closed Space" Directed and produced a 20 minute documentary. Rome, Italy (2004) Translator and editor's assistant for a documentary film "Slaves" by E.Colusso, editor Babak Carimi. Fandango, Rome, Italy (2003-2004) Set and costumes design for a feature film "Mozart and Salieri", based on a poem by A. Pushkin (experimental NYU and NCFB production). New York, USA (1985) Works for Theatre: THEATRE MONGIOVINO. Set design for "Shining Fish", a puppet performance. Rome, Italy 2002-2003 THEATRE ARGENTINA (City of Rome's theatre). Set designer for "Tragedy of Man" by Imre Madash. Projected and executed a mobile set design made out of industrial materials which turn into characters's costumes and costumes which are transformed back into scenery. The play has been commissioned by the Academy of Hungary and consequently performed in a variety of places, both in Italy and in Hungary, among them in THEATRE ARGENTINA, ACADEMY OF HUNGARY. Rome, Italy. January 2001 Special Events: THEATRE VASHELLO. Organized film courses in major Italian cities for professors of New York University. A yearly event which lasted from 1990 to 2006. (Italy) VILLA GIULIA. Set design and theatrical direction for the Fashion Show "Patesserie Creole", featuring dresses by designer Stella Jean. Rome, Italy. 2003 TRASTEVERE FESTIVAL OF STREET ARTISTS. Creation of costumes from recycled materials for the festival organized by experimental theatre Abraxa. Rome, Italy August 2000 CARNIVAL OF TERMINI IMERESE' 98, Artistic Director. Supervised creation of gigantic papier mache sculptures by local artisans for the oldest and most famous Sicilian Carnival. Introduced novelty into traditional event Carnival for Children with participation of all schools of the city and dedicated entirely to ecological issues. Termini Imerese. December 1998. MICHAILOVSKYJ PARK, INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL "MASTER CLASS". Installation in the courtyard of Michailovskij Museum for the closing festivities. St. Petersburg, Russia, June1998 THE WINTER PALACE SQUARE, International Festival of Graffiti. Installation: "Turbulent Seas" in the in front of the Hermitage. Exhibition and workshop. St. Petersburg. 1998 VILLA PALMIERI PARK, personal. Installation of "Pandemonium" commissioned by the city of Termini Imerese. Termini Imerese, Sicily, August 1997 SCHOOL "CIRINCIONE", personal. Installation. "Ephemeral Art" Bagheria, Sicily. April 1997 LABICANA CONTEMPORANEO 2, collective exhibition. Park Labicana. ROME, July. 1996 CASTLE ST. ANGELO, COURTYARD. Exhibition of collages in the open and workshop for children on creating costumes. ROME, September 1993. Exhibitions : TIPINGI-MATANGI ART GALLERY, personal. Metaphorical collages presented on a black background, as possible frames on a future computer graphics animation film. Gerace (Italy). August 2006. CIRCLE OF THE OFFICERS ART GALLERY, personal. Series "The Laughing Revolution": mixed media paintings depicting fantasies about an ecologically healthy future . Palermo,(Italy) December 2004 MICRO-BIENNALE , collective. International exhibition dedicated thematically to the volcanic islands of the wind. Filicudi, Sicily(Italy). August 2004 ARTISTS' UNION ART GALLERY, collective. Installation for an international exhibition "Master class". St. Petersburg, Russia. June 1998 LINGOTTO FAIR, personal stand. Paper mural installation and thematic collages. ( 16x4 metres) "Ability" International Exposition, Turin, (Italy)November. 1997 CEFALU' CENTRAL SQUARE, personal. Fishing boat with a painted sail: installation for the FEAST OF FISH. CEFALU', Sicily. August 1996 SEA PORT, LARGO TRIZZANO, personal. Installation of the "Stormy Seas" in the main city square commissioned by the City Council, accompanied by telling fairy-tales about the green future. Written, illustrated and performed for the occasion by the artist.Porticello; Sicily. July 1997 MUSEUM OF CONTEMPORARY ART, collective. "Art is also woman" installation of the "Stormy Seas" and exhibition of medium size collages. Creation of art furniture piece purchased by the Museum for it's collection. GIBELLINA, Sicily, July1996 CITY HALL OF ST. ALFIO, personal. "Life of St. Alfio", Mixed media drawings on plastic dedicated to the life exposed on linen rope. One week seminar in the main square of St. Alfio. Volcano Etna, Sicily, Italy. Sept. 1995 ACADEMY OF EGYPT, collective. Critic's selection of contemporary artists for the "Spring Art Show". Rome, Italy. May 1995. RIFUGIO CITELLI on MOUNT ETNA, personal. Installation for the " BLACK SOIL" thematic event. St. Alfio, Etna, Sicily. July 1995. PALACE OF THE STARS (CITY OF CEFALU ART GALLERY), personal. Installation of "Pandemonium" in the courtyard of the palace. Two-week seminar on ecological art. Cefalu', Sicily (Italy). August 1995 LINGOTTO FAIR "THE WORLD OF PAPER", personal. Installation of the entire composition "Pandemonium" (mural-collage m.40 longx4high). TURIN, (Italy), October. 1994 GALLERY AGORA', personal. A retrospective of a few year's work dedicated to abstract collages. Palermo, (Italy) December 1993 FAIR OF ROME, collective. Selection of contemporary artists by Pio Monti Art Gallery. Exposed for the occasion of "New Year Eve's night". Rome (Italy) November 1993 COMMUNAL GALLERY, collective. Selection of contemporary artists by art critic Paolo Balmas. Morlupo (Italy) June 1993 GALLERY PIO MONTI, collective. "The Cat and the Fox", two artists' exhibit. Rome (Italy.) October 1993 PALAZZO PARISI, "MONTEPRANDONE APPRODI", collective. Works of contemporary artists presented side by side with avant?guarde artists of the beginning of the 20th century. Installation of the paper mural "Stormy Seas", Monteprandone, Marche, Italy. October1993 VIA D'AMELIO. An open space outdoor exhibition organized by the Agora Art Gallery. Installation of the gigantic mural "Pandemonium" in front of judge Borsellino's house during anti-mafia manifestation. Palermo, Italy. 19 July 1993 EXPO LANGUE. Fine Art installation for the TMR Stand at the International Exhibition in Paris dedicated to innovative computer technology. Paris, France. PALAZZO PARISI, collective. Thematic figurative collage of huge dimensions for "Art and Tabak", an exhibition which has traveled the world with an anti-prohibitionist message. Rome,(Italy). September 1993 ART PROPOSALS GALLERY, collective. Abstract collages. Fano (Italy) November 1993 GALLERY MILANO, personal. A retrospective exhibition of a few year's work dedicated to abstract collages, installation of "Pandemonium" (10 meters long by 4 meters high collage). Milan, Italy. October-November 1992 GALLERIA AGAPE, personal . "Gold and Moon Landscapes": a retrospective of surreal collages, Milan, Italy, June 1991 BARCONE DELLE SCIMMIE, personal. "Long live the pleasure of shipwrecks!": abstract collages exhibited on a barge tranformed into a poliedric art gallery. MILAN, February 1991 GALLERY AKVILON, personal. "The art of collage". St. Petersburg (Russia),October 1991 CHARLESTON GALLERY, personal. Drawings of Roman architecture. Rome (Italy), 1990 SPANISH INSTITUTE OF CULTURE, personal. 20 mixed media paintings on the theme of Flamenco commissioned for the occasion of the Festival of Spanish Culture by the SPANISH INSTITUTE of NAPLES. Naples (Italy), 1989 GROTTE STERRE GALLERY, (collective). Pen and ink drawings of European landscapes. Bruges (Belgium) Sept. 1989 All of the outdoor exhibitions have been accompanied by seminars on ecological art, where the local population was invited to create artworks with simple, discarded materials. In some cases artwork created has been re-integrated into the city environment ("Floating Exhibition" in Porticello, Sicily. "Coloured Light" event by decorating public lamps illuminating Villa Palmieri in Termini Imerese, Sicily. Painting on leaves decorated the cinema festival under the open sky in Gibellina, Italy. Masks made of bits of plastic were created together with local children playing in the garden during the festival of artists organised by Abraha Theater. Graffitti were drawn with chalks on the pavement of the historical Palace Square, notorious for military parades, etc). Lada Alekseychuk's works can be found in the public collections of : MUSEUM OF MODERN ART, Gibellina, Italy. GALLERY "AGORA", Palermo, Italy. "SANTIAGO", CENTRE OF SPANISH CULTURE, Naples, Italy. CITY HALL OF BAGHERIA, Sicily, Italy. GALLERY "ART PROPOSAL", Fano, Italy. ART GALLERY "PIO MONTI", Rome, Italy, as well as in numerous Canadian, Italian, and Russian private collections.
Writing: "Smiling", a book of fantasies for teenagers about fun green future . llustrated by the author. Published in Italian by the Circle of the Officers. December 2004 "Italy Beyond Postcards", a series of short stories in Italian about bohemian life in modern Rome. Scholarship by RAP studios to pursue writing in Manhattan, U.S.A, September 2007-March 2008 "New York Scetches", collection of short stories about adventures of a homeless subway musician in Manhattan. May 2008 Publications about Artist's Work: "A Word about Computer Graphics" A.Cooper. "Time and We", monthly Cultural and Political Review. New York, U.S.A. 1984 'The Look you are looking for" Loreta Jones, Folio: The Magazine for Magazine Managment, New York, USA, November (1985 ) "Twenty Years After". Prof. Serghei Daniel, an internationally renown art historian and lecturer. Analytical article for the exhibition in Gallery Milano", Milan, Italy (1992). Published in " Nuovo Mondo d'Arte"1999, N.1, (Russia) "Mondografico" Catalogue with a biography and a presentation article about installation of Pandemonium (Expo 1994, Turin, Italy) "With glue and scissors I am drawing you the world" J. Salvanni, "Avvenimenti" August , 1991.Rome, Italy "Gold and moon in the landscapes of an artist" A. di Genova, Il Manifesto. June 22,1992, Rome,Italy "Pulcinella's Secret", Giovanni Valente, L'Espresso, November 1992 "Art Against Mediocrity" Roberto Silvestri, Il Manifesto, November 1992 "Collage the Russian way", Il Giornale, November 29, 1992 "Humanism and Freedom" Pierre Restany, Introduction to the catalogue, 1993 "Pandemonium in Gallery Milan", N. Pellegrini, Illustrated Trimestral Rewiew Theatre Musueum of La Scala, winter 1992-93. "Carnival at Termini: free passage to the great feast" Giornale di Sicilia, Palermo, February 8, 1998 "Twenty years after".Serghei Daniel, presentation for the exhibition in Gallery Milano (1982) Milan, Italy "Thoughts and Artworks", "Monteprandone Approdi", (articles for catalogues), Paolo Balmas. (1993) Morlupo, Italy. "Thoughts in Works", Paolo Balmas, "Paese Sera", August 1993 "Pandemonium", Carla Subrizzi, Francesca Pietracci. Articles for personal catalogue. Gallery Agora Publication(1993) "Alberto Gasparri-LadaAlekseychuk". Mariella Lestinghi, Next, Illustrated trimestral Art Review Magazine.(winter 1993?1994) Rome, Italy "Three Critics, thirty Artists", Enzo Bellardello. Article for catalogue "Roman Spring A.R.G.M." 1995, Rome, Italy "And from the earth the man created art", Angelo Capasso. " New Ecology", July 1996, Rome, Italy "The Runner". Tom Pawlick, published online in Babel Gallery (28 October 2004) and Sam's Revenge (19 June 1997) Illustrated Colour Catalogue for the Villa Jiulia Fashion Show 2003 Radio and Television Services about exhibitions "White Nights "Valerij Potapov, St. Petersburg, Chanel 5, June 1998 "The city and citizens", Dmitrij Generalov, City Radio, June 1998 "Summer Thunders", Eva Clausen. Radio Rai Three. "Sicilian News", May, July, August 1997 "Green", educational 20minute programme "Videosapere", Rai One, 1996 "Sicilian News", Rai Three, July1995 Documentaries about artist's work: "Pandemonium", 40 min., 1993 "Mondografico", Lingottofiere, an episode on "Pandemonium" in a "Turbulent seas", 15 minutes, 1997 Education: FAENZA CERAMICS STUDIO. Intensive workshop in ceramics under the guidance of Emilio Galassi, professor of Ceramics, School of Faenza, Italy 1990 CITY OF AVIGNON CULTURAL CENTER. Fresco painting workshop with renowned painter Stephan Zavrel. Avignon, France, 1989 USPENSKYJ MONASTERY. Icon painting workshop under the guidance of a renowned icon painter Mother Irina .1988 Rome, Italy NEW YORK UNIVERSITY Graduate courses in Computer Grafics, communications Dept.1985, U.S.A. NEW YORK UNIVERSITY Bachelor of Fine Arts NewYork, USA. 1984 ALEXANDR ALEXEIFF'S ATELIER. Personal lessons taken from the father of the shadow animation and the inventor of the pin screen. July 1982 Paris, France ART STUDENT'S LEAGUE. Evening courses in figure drawing and painting New York, USA. 1980?1984 CONCORDIA UNIVERSITY. Fine Arts Department, specialization in drawing and painting. Montreal, Canada.1979-1980 THREE SCHOOLS OF ART. Courses of figure painting, drawing and sculpture. Toronto, Canada.1976-1979 LENINGRAD SCHOOL FOR GIFTED CHILDREN. Evening school with intense visual arts programme1970-1976 Leningrad, USSR (St. Petersburg, Russia) Languages Spoken: Russian (mother tongue), English, Italian (spoken and written). French and Ukrainian (understood and read). |
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